Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stranger Sketches continues....

I am so very lucky to have this little habit of bringing my sketchbook wherever I go.  A bit back I attended a meeting hosted by several different organizations regarding "Art Carts" in Tacoma, and, of course, I brought my sketchbook.  I was sitting way way way back, but the only person in the room I found remotely interesting to draw was Marty Campbell.  He is a local business owner and a member of the Tacoma City Council.  I don't know him really, only been introduced once, been around the same people here and there around town, but he seems like a really great guy.

Skip forward to this afternoon, wandering the isles of the local grocery store when I passed him. Now, he doesn't know me from Doris Day, but I thought, what the heck.  I called out his name, and introduced myself.  Commence fumbling and twittering on about how he doesn't know me, but I sketched him once and would he like to see it and, well, it was rather embarrassing.  Here I am just trying to introduce myself to this guy, thought I could even get some information out of him which could potentially help me with my art business, and I can't even keep my own composure.  What a fumbling fool I can be sometimes.

So, to complete the humiliation, I am posting the whole ridiculous mess here on my blog.  I mean hey, when looking like a goof, why not show everyone what a complete dork you are!  I need to get over this hang-up about talking to people I don't know about my art.  Hmmmm, now, how exactly do I do that?  Suggestions welcome!

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